Our Trail Point Story
We're passionate about our beer and our community and strive to satisfy every person that walks through our doors or drinks one of our beers.

Trail Point Brewery
was born from the brew kettles of Jeff Knoblock and Gary Evans and cultivated in the MOB (Muskegon Ottawa Brewers) homebrew club. The MOB is where we honed our brewing skills, perfected recipes, judged beers, experimented, and built personal relationships. All of Trail Point's owners belonged to this group. 3 commercial breweries and 8 MOB members have/are brewing commercially.

Our Name
was inspired by a desire to connect with our community: Allendale, the woods and waters of West Michigan, and craft brewing enthusiasts. While researching Allendale's 150+ year history, we learned about trail marker trees that guided early travelers. Young saplings along trails were bent to create a distinctively shaped tree or branch to point the way to the nearest village, waterway, natural resource, or meeting place. And so, the Trail Point name was born.

We Built
a brewery without pretense; a locale to catch up with the community, chat with old friends, and meet new ones. Trail Point brews well-balanced beers and serves them in an environment that feels like home. We're passionate about our beer and our community and strive to satisfy every person that walks through our doors or drinks one of our beers.